14. Stress Response (SNS zone) |
The Stress Response, which is also known as “fight or flight” response, refers to a physiological reaction to imminent danger that occurs when we are scared, anxious, stressed, attacked, or threatened. Essentially, it prepares our body to either deal with a threat or to run for safety. This is part of the autonomic system that consists of two sub-systems, the sympathetic (Stress Response) system and the parasympathetic (recovery ability) system. Your Heart Rate Variability is reflected in the balance between those two sub-systems.
There are three zones of Stress Response:
The normal and low zones are more desirable than the high zone. In the normal and low zones, the body is able to effectively respond to stressful situations and emergencies.
When preparing for an emergency, the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) activates numerous complex pathways and components. These physiological activities help to achieve a faster heart rate, breathing rate, and blood pressure. Noticeable changes include blood flow that moves away from the skin and stomach, and is redirected from the intestines to the brain, heart, and muscles, as well as sweating, “goose-bumps”, dilation of the pupils, and a host of other feelings that appear during the Stress Response. In addition, there is a psychological aspect to the Stress Response. Automated responses include quick thinking and focusing on salient targets such as the source of the threat and escape options.
The stress created by a situation is helpful and increases the chances of coping effectively with the threat. This type of stress can help you perform better in situations where you are under pressure to do well.
This Stress Response is derived from the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) Index. The SNS Index is calculated based on the following three parameters: Heart Rate, Baevsky’s Stress Index, and SD2.
These zones should be used as a guide only. Seek a doctor’s advice in order to obtain a valid diagnosis. |